“Lelystad Delivery, PAPA HOTEL, DELTA SIERRA DELTA request clearance for departure.”
Hello fellow aviators!
Welcome to PAPA HOTEL Dutch Scenery Design. A new game studio creating flight simulator sceneries for you to enjoy.
Today was supposed to be a special day. The exciting announcement that EHLE Lelystad Airport would finally be available in Microsoft Flight Simulator, the culmination of years of hard work. This scenery has lived in my mind for many years, and I had sincerely hoped to release it under the iBlueYonder banner as previously announced. I joined the company as a freelance developer in Bill Womack's apprenticeship program at the start of the pandemic, and have worked with him on several projects afterward, while in the background thinking about finally making my dream scenery for Microsoft Flight Simulator: EHLE Lelystad Airport.
Working with an established brand and team like Bill's was a dream come true, and after finishing my part of a large project we were working on, it was time to put into practice all the things I had learned. After years of hard work we were finally nearing the release of EHLE Lelystad Airport, even coming out with an announcement the scenery would be published under the iBlueYonder banner. Unfortunately - even one with the quality levels we have reached - Bill decided to take his company into a different direction.
Suddenly I found myself without a studio to publish the scenery. After careful consideration of my options I decided to start my own. Setting up a new company and a brand can’t be done overnight. Initial discussions with possible vendors have been really positive and I hope to be able to announce one very soon. Meanwhile I have to get a release version of the scenery ready to be published. The decision to publish EHLE Lelystad Airport under my new label Papa Hotel Dutch Scenery Design also means that there is quite a bit of extra work to be done on the project. Although all efforts are focused on getting the scenery ready for publishing, this extra work means the initial announcement for release of EHLE Lelystad Airport in time for the FS Weekend in March will most likely not be realistic.
I'm adamant in offering the community an exceptional representation of an airfield that is very dear to my heart. We're really close to hitting that lofty mark, but the scenery will only be released after all pre-flight checks have been completed and we are good and ready for take-off.
To ensure these final pre-flight checks go smoothly, we have launched a new Discord for our fledgling Scenery Publishing house. A place where the community can gather, share information and stories and interact directly with the team. Feel free to sign up here.
Sincerely, your captain,
Ronald Fleurbaaij
PAPA HOTEL Dutch Scenery Design will join the WHISKEY Session of FlightSimWeekend’s Product & Tech Trends Panel Discussion at the FSElite Theater.