Happy holidays!

Hello fellow aviators!

These are the dark days before Christmas! UDP ends pretty early this time of year. So you’ll probably be coming into EHLE Lelystad Airport with all your lights blazing! Just remember to properly shut down your aircraft and turn off all those lights. To keep a bit of a mood for the holiday season, we've added some extra's to the EHLE Lelystad Airport for MSFS scenery. We've pushed this minor update out to all of the shop and it will be available soon for you to download. For me, this is the last day of scenery development in 2024 as I'll be away for Christmas.

So from PAPA HOTEL HQ we'd like to wish you all HAPPY HOLIDAYS and a flightfull 2025!!!


Version 1.2.1 Release date 17-12-2024

  • Optimised Aviodrome Schiphol 1928 building

  • Optimised Aviodrome T2 Hangar building

  • Optimised Aviodrome Simulator

  • Optimised Vliegclub Flevo hangar

  • Added Christmas tree’s


FlightSimWeekend Warm-up Sale


Livery packs available plus new shop!