Happy holidays!
These are the dark days before Christmas. To lighten them up a bit, we’ve pushed a minor update for EHLE Lelystad Airport for MSFS to celebrate this holiday season.

PAPA HOTEL Black Friday Deal
Get 25% discount on your purchase of EHLE Lelystad Airport for MSFS at the Contrail shop during the 2024 Black Friday Sales!

EHLE Lelystad Airport v1.2.0 now available
EHLE Lelystad Airport for MSFS is now also available for MSFS2024 as version 1.2.0.

PAPA HOTEL partners with FlightSimWeekend
We’ve got exiting news! PAPA HOTEL Dutch Scenery Design is proud to announce its partnership with FlightSimWeekend! With over 50 exhibitors and nearly 5000 visitors each year, the FlightSimWeekend is one of the biggest gatherings in flight simulation
EHLE Lelystad Airport v1.1.0 now available
Version 1.1.0 of EHLE Lelystad Airport for Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS) is now available. This scenery update has been pushed out to the different vender, like Aerosoft and Contrail, and can be downloaded from you client account soon.

Now available at Aerosoft
PAPA HOTEL Dutch Scenery Design’s version of EHLE Lelystad Airport for Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS) is now available at Aerosoft.